In 2017 I was invited to take my crew to the home of Ron Salmons. Ron and his wife Carol were amazing to us! The battle site on his property is known as Berlin Crossing or Berlin X Roads. We
recovered numerous itemsfor him, as he was heavily into history in his county and has unmatched knowledge of the area. He does presentations and spreads his knowledge where he can to keep the history
going. We didn’t getmuch assistance and was asked not pursue our relic recovery for unknown reasons by the county’s historical society president, it was very disheartening, but we worked with Ron
directly which turnedout to be awonderful weekend!!
On July 17, 1863 Morgan and his 1500+ troops entered this area. Col. Runkle with his 1500-2000 troops were hot on his trail. The battle lasted here for roughly 3 1/2 hours. 4-12 rebels were killed
here and 2 were buried in the Wellston Cemetery. The area we scanned was 400-500 acres.
Click the link to watch the video of landowner, Ron, revealing the winner!
Congratulations again Carolyn on a phenomenal find! Thank you for being a part of CWPPO!
Above “winning” find is trench art. It was molded to be a stylus. They wrote in ink, berries, and blood if need be.